Your digital future starts with clicks.
We don’t want to become the biggest or most famous digital agency – but the best. And we do this for every single client. Therefore, we do not think in departments, but rather in solutions. With our comprehensive range of services, our digital know-how and our love for data and innovation, we make brands and products successful in the digital world.
3 good reasons for clicks
Thanks to our cross-channel work, we always have a holistic view of your digital future and can start directly and immediately where we still see potential. This is how we turn your website, your online shop and your brand into a digital pioneer.
We think big and far – just like our international and national customers. With suitable solutions and creative approaches we can inspire customers all over the world and open up potential growth markets.
We are not an agency like any other, we are unique – just like our customers. Our work, our team spirit and our way of thinking are always focussed on jointly giving our best and adapting to your individual requirements – for you and your success.
Case Studys
Your success – our story

Our customers' success is also our success: That is why we always align our solutions to the goals and requirements of the respective partner. You can find out what this can look like here.
Several awards
Would you like to find out more about us, request an offer or a non-binding consultation?
Then please feel free to contact us – we will get back to you immediately!
Your Herbert Buchhorn and the entire clicks team
Am Potsdamer Platz 10,
10785 Berlin
+49 (0)30 76212626
An der Mauer 1,
01067 Dresden
+49 (0)351 65312010
Josephspitalstraße 15,
80331 Munich
+49 (0)89 45477104
Erna-Scheffler-Straße 1A,
51103 Cologne
+49 (0)221 79073040